
Showing posts with the label Origami Innovation

The Evolution of Origami: From a Traditional Craft to a Future-Driven Technology

Origami: From a Simple Craft to a Tool for Innovation Origami has long been regarded as a playful hobby or an artistic expression, but today, it is much more than that. What was once a form of creative play has now become a critical tool in science, architecture, space exploration, and even environmental sustainability. How did the simple act of folding paper merge with cutting-edge technology? And how far can we push the boundaries of origami? Origami and Science – NASA’s Solar Panel Breakthrough Why Did NASA Turn to Origami? Space is one of the most extreme environments known to humankind. Every spacecraft must carry complex equipment in a confined space while ensuring that these components can expand efficiently once deployed. Traditional engineering solutions had limitations, prompting NASA to explore the principles of origami as a means to solve these challenges. The Miura Fold – A Revolutionary Solar Panel Design In the 1970s, Japanese astrophysicist Koryo Miura developed a groun...