
Showing posts with the label Upcycling

The Evolution of Origami: From a Traditional Craft to a Future-Driven Technology

Origami: From a Simple Craft to a Tool for Innovation Origami has long been regarded as a playful hobby or an artistic expression, but today, it is much more than that. What was once a form of creative play has now become a critical tool in science, architecture, space exploration, and even environmental sustainability. How did the simple act of folding paper merge with cutting-edge technology? And how far can we push the boundaries of origami? Origami and Science – NASA’s Solar Panel Breakthrough Why Did NASA Turn to Origami? Space is one of the most extreme environments known to humankind. Every spacecraft must carry complex equipment in a confined space while ensuring that these components can expand efficiently once deployed. Traditional engineering solutions had limitations, prompting NASA to explore the principles of origami as a means to solve these challenges. The Miura Fold – A Revolutionary Solar Panel Design In the 1970s, Japanese astrophysicist Koryo Miura developed a groun...

So, What Can We Actually Do About Snack Bag Recycling? (2)

 Snack bags—technically classified as “recyclable waste.” But are they really recyclable? If you’ve read my previous post, you already know the harsh reality: snack bags are one of the least recyclable packaging types. So what can we do about it? Let’s explore the most common ideas people suggest. Rinse and Recycle—A Solution or a Waste of Time? First, rinsing and recycling. Some believe that if you rinse out snack bags before throwing them away, they have a better chance of being recycled. That sounds logical at first, but let’s take a closer look. Rinsing wastes water, it takes time and effort, and most importantly, even if you clean them perfectly, they still won’t be recycled. Be honest—how many people in the world actually wash their snack bags before throwing them away? Probably fewer than ten in a million. Even if someone does, it doesn’t change the outcome. In the end, they still end up in landfills or incinerators. Washing snack bags is nothing more than a false hope. It m...

Do We Really Have to Rinse Out Snack Bags? That Sounds Like a Hassle! (1)

Summary Snack bags are nearly impossible to recycle due to their fused plastic-aluminum layers. Even if rinsed, most facilities can’t process them, with recycling rates under 10%. While rinsing may reduce contamination, it doesn’t make them truly recyclable. So, if recycling isn’t the answer, what’s the alternative? The search continues in the next post.  I was standing in my kitchen, holding an empty bag of chips, staring at the oily crumbs left inside. I hesitated. Do I need to rinse this out before throwing it away? I had heard it before—"Snack bags are hard to recycle, but if you wash them first, they have a better chance of being processed properly." It sounded logical. After all, food residue can contaminate recycling batches, right? But then I paused. Wait… does rinsing actually help? Or is it just something we do to feel better about throwing things away?  So, I decided to find out. Why Are Snack Bags So Hard to Recycle? Unlike simple plastic bottles, which can be mel...